
Showing 1–12 of 14 results

  • Sale! Authentic Self Empowerment (ASE)

    Authentic Self Empowerment

    Original price was: CHF 27.00.Current price is: CHF 19.00.

    Our premium resource to help you live with presence, passion & purpose!

    The ASE audio programme is a powerful way to change the unconscious patterns that are responsible for unwanted feelings and behaviours. It enables you to update old ways of thinking so that you can be more resourceful in any context.

    The programme has 4 tracks — including voice guidance with serene background music and audio technologies. Developed and narrated by Jevon Dängeli

  • Build Self Esteem & Boost Confidence

    CHF 27.00

    By listening to this recording you will discover new ways of experiencing yourself that will change the way you think and feel as you transform from the inside out.

    MP3 format

  • Change Matters

    CHF 27.00

    The only constant in life is change…

    Whether we do it consciously or unconsciously, we co-create our experience of life.

    In this audio programme, Jevon teaches you how to develop your own psychological strategies to become the conscious co-creator of your results.

    The simple yet profound skills that you will learn are based on how your neurology works and interacts with everything in your life.

    By purchasing this audio programme, you will also receive its companion resource – The Change Matters e-book

    MP3 and e-book


  • Sale!

    Die Gedanken sind frei

    Original price was: CHF 27.00.Current price is: CHF 19.00.

    “Die Gedanken sind frei” ermöglicht Dir den Zugang zu Deinem inneren Reichtum, so daß Du effektiv mit den diversen Herausforderungen des Lebens umgehen kannst.

    Diese Aufnahme wird Dir dabei helfen, Deine Intuition zu schärfen und Deine Selbstwahrnehmung zu verbessern.

    MP3 Format


  • Empowered Performance with HNLP

    CHF 27.00

    All behaviour is motivated by unconscious impulses known as neurological triggers.

    These triggers are the sub-conscious catalysts responsible for everything we do. Unless appropriate changes are facilitated at the precise triggers of the unconscious mind, we will continue being affected by them, causing our unwanted behaviours and reactions to persist. In this audio programme you will learn how to become aware of the triggers and internal processes that cause you to perform unresourcefully. Then…

    Once you know what makes you think, feel and behave the way you do, you will be guided through a transformative process that enables you to eliminate the effect of those unwanted triggers. Your upgraded abilities are then integrated through a facilitated process in order for you to sustain empowered performance in any context.

    MP3 format

  • Sale!

    Gesundes Selbstwertgefühl für Kinder und Jugendliche

    Original price was: CHF 19.00.Current price is: CHF 9.00.

    Eine bestärkende Geschichte für Kinder und wichtige Informationen für Eltern.

    Fördert die Entwicklung eines gesunden Selbstwertgefühls bei Kindern und Jugendlichen.

    Wie schön wäre es doch, das Leben uneingeschränkt zu genießen, so wie es einem jeden Menschen entspricht. Diese Aufnahme hilft älteren Kindern und Jugendlichen dabei, (wieder) mehr Selbstvertrauen zu entwickeln und ihr gesamtes Potenzial zu nutzen.

    MP3 format

  • Sale!

    Healthy Self-Esteem

    Original price was: CHF 19.00.Current price is: CHF 9.00.

    Helping children and teenagers develop healthy self-esteem.

    The Sam’s World audio programme includes an empowering story for children and teenagers (written and narrated by Jevon Dängeli), as well as useful information for parents.

    MP3 format

  • Sale! Mind Over Matter

    Mind Over Matter

    Original price was: CHF 27.00.Current price is: CHF 19.00.

    The skills taught in the Mind Over Matter audio programme assist you to transcend limiting mindsets and outdated beliefs. You will be guided through a transpersonal coaching process to overcome obstacles and move with greater ease in the direction of your desires and emotional freedom.

    In this audio programme, you will learn the ASE Future Sourcing (progression) technique and enjoy being guided through this profoundly mind-expanding process.

    MP3 format

  • Sale!

    Mindful Power

    Original price was: CHF 264.00.Current price is: CHF 79.00.

    Mindful Power enhances your Perspective, Performance, Passion & Purpose in all areas of your life!

    In this unique 6-part audio programme, you will discover how to get your whole mind working for you, instead of against you.

    Mindful Power enables you to respond to all situations with greater awareness and resourcefulness. This is enlightened mind power with practical applications for people on the go, as well as those who want simple and sustainable ways to maximize their potential.

    MP3 format

  • Sale! The Mindful Resilience Programme

    Mindful Resilience

    Original price was: CHF 410.00.Current price is: CHF 99.00.

    The Mindful Resilience Programme equips you with the mental flexibility and emotional intelligence to face challenges resourcefully.

    Any type of stress, fear, anxiety or physical ailment can be approached mindfully in order for you to deal with the situation effectively. This programme shows you how!

    MP3 and e-book format


  • Overcome Crisis Management

    CHF 27.00

    Any problem is only a problem in the way you think…and changing your thinking is easier than you think.

    Are you facing one crisis after another or one that’s overwhelming? In this recording, Jevon Dängeli teaches you ways to find creative solutions that lead to positive outcomes. He also shows you how to avoid crises in the first place through changing your perceptions and actions.

    MP3 format

  • Sale! Fear of abandonment – heal & resolve

    Overcoming Fear of Abandonment

    Original price was: CHF 19.00.Current price is: CHF 9.00.

    A healing story for children and adults

    Luca’s Island is a story (written and narrated by Jevon Dängeli) that includes guided visualizations and metaphors to facilitate a natural and positive transformative process. Although this recording was created for children, it addresses the inner-child for people of all ages.

    MP3 format