Listen to an introduction to Humanistic Neuro-Linguistic Psychology (HNLP) by its co-creators – Master Trainers of NLP – John Overdurf, C.A.C. & Julie Silverthorn, M.S..

HNLP is an acronym for Humanistic Neuro-Linguistic Psychology.
HNLP advances on the effective strategies of classic NLP to include developments in quantum physics, modern neuro science, hypnosis, accelerated learning, holistic leadership and spirituality.
HNLP is the study of how Mind creates reality through language and behaviour. One of the basic premises from which we work is that everyone and everything is interconnected. In the past, some people criticized classic NLP for lacking a sense of connection and being too oriented toward techniques and “programming.” While NLP techniques are effective, they are not the final answer…
People and their interconnectedness are the answer to ongoing Self leadership and motivation to perform optimally in all contexts.