Discover the valuable role of Open Awareness in coaching, therapy and life!
Holistic practitioners have long understood the tremendous value of approaching tasks mindfully as well as establishing compassionate rapport toward others. People from various walks of life spend years cultivating these traits by means of psychological intervention and/or meditation. While we are not advocating a better approach, the simple skill taught in this video has proven to be an expediency to achieving levels of awareness that ordinarily take practitioners much longer to reach.
In this training video, Jevon Dängeli teaches you how to open the aperture of your awareness. This simple skill naturally enables us to experience a calm and centred state that promotes a participatory perspective. In addition to sharpening one’s sensory acuity, this mind expanding skill helps us to become aware of our interconnection with others at a fundamental level, while ‘tuning’ our consciousness into its authentic mode. This brings about a mindful and receptive mode – which results in feelings of compassion toward others and motivates behaviours that nourish rapport.
Watch below:
Review Questions:
1. What was your greatest learning from this video?
2. Which area(s) of your life can be improved by applying what you’ve learned from this video?
3. What steps will you take to implement your learnings from this video in order to make positive changes in the area(s) of your life stated in your answer to question 2?
4. How will you apply what you’ve learned from this video in your professional occupation in order to enhance your effectiveness and/or communication skills?
5. What other information have you gathered on the subject of this video that deepens your understanding of this subject?
6. How does the main subject of this video tie in with, or support what you have learned from the other videos in this series?