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NLP,- Wellness Coach,- Authentic Self Empowerment Course Testimonials:
“Throughout the NLP Advanced Facilitator training with Jevon Dangeli, I had the pleasure of experiencing his wisdom, knowledge, guidance, and above all, his limitless compassion for all students. This training boosted my self-esteem, empowered me to make better decisions, and inspired me to use these valuable skills on a daily basis. I highly recommend Jevon’s courses, they are a most worthwhile investment.”
-Huda Murad, Change Facilitator, Jordan-
“I am in awe of Jevon´s expertise and teaching skill. I loved the material and feel incredibly connected to the other students. Truly a life-changing experience! I loved the 2 days of Ericksonian Hypnotherapy as they are THE key for teaching us how to put it all together and to increase rapport. With a lot of work, I could probably have found this information trough books and internet, but no way else could I have pulled the knowing together – other than being here, feeling safe and being encouraged to take the leaps!”
-Cat MacLaggan, Mum, Canada-
“Dear Jana & Jevon, I feel very happy and grateful for this amazing experience and your personal attention. The claritiy in information, the well structured format and the good balance between information and excercise contributed to the great energy during these 9 days. There was authenticity and attention for each and every participant and dedicated care for our wellbeing, including the incredible catering. The two days of Ericksonian Hypnotherapy are most valuable to the 7 days of NLP/HNLP Coach Practitioner Training because they provide transition, integration and completion of all the knowledge on an unconscious level. Thanks for feeling joy, sincerce connection and meaning.”
-Mark Brouwers, NLP Trainer & Coach, The Netherlands-
“This course is FABULOUS! I experienced a complete paradigm shift. Jevon you are an angel.”
-Yvonne Teixeira, Sales Manager, South Africa-
“Coming to the training was the best decision I have made in a long time. Thank you for all, you cannot imagine how much affect it has had on me. I had many „aha-moments“ through what was taught during this training. I feel I can handle anything right now and tackle the challenges at work, at home, with my children, in my relationships, etc. There was support from Jana and Jevon at all times, regardless of the issue of concern. What I enjoyed most was the energy around the room and that there was space for humor. I felt supported, protected and in a safe space. The experiences shared by both trainer and participants were invaluable to me. Thank you so very much.”
-Scholastica Williams, Senior Technical Manager, Tanzania-
“Thanks for the all-round amazing experience, with the 2 days of Ericksonian Hypnotherapy being the cherry on top. They were very valuable to internalize and round up everything I had learned during the first 7 days. Great stimulation of all 5 senses – including the lovely home made food!”
-Petra Kamper, Coach, Austria-
“Jevon, I enjoyed your language and trances. I got equipped with a lot of practical skills that are more than book reading knowledge and I have increased my behavioural flexibility. I have more choice and have attained a lot of “Resource Anchors”. This experience made me very aware of beliefs and mental syntax that are helpful or not. This course is insightful and life changing and equips one with practical techniques that create profound change.”
-Elmarie du Plessis, Clinical Psychologist, South Africa-
“Thank you Jevon for the outstanding online Wellness Coach course which I thoroughly enjoyed. It was very well presented, practical and informative. I feel my confidence has soared to new heights and I am 100% convinced that I will be able to provide my clients with an excellent coaching experience.” -Peter van Raaij, Authentic Self Empowerment Facilitator, England-
Read more NLP, HNLP, Coaching Training testimonials here
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Hypnotherapy Certification Training
“It was fabulous, a terrific course. Many thanks, the experience was invaluable and you have played an important role in helping me to develop my confidence as an effective Hypnotherapist. This course lets you light up new circuits and discover so much more about yourself, I have been transformed. In fact my impression is “trance-formational”. I expected to be challenged and to be supported in developing new insights. I got both – orders of magnitude more than I expected. I totally know I have climbed firmly on the plateau of mastery, and there is still plenty more journey for me to walk.”
-Dr. Conor Hughes, NLP Trainer, Coach and Business owner, South Africa-
“The course was AAA+++. Time, place, space and everything was just perfect, I would do it again. It absolutely met my expectations and far more than that. I wanted to get more excellence and elegance. I got it.”
-Chris Hafner, NLP Coach & Hypnotherapist, Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie, Germany-
“Jevon is an excellent trainer of Hypnotherapy. His whole demeanour lends to exactly what is needed of a trainer to make the students experience the whole training event instead of just learning the techniques. Thank you Jevon for the way in which you are assisting others to empower and enrich their lives. Thank you for your kindness and your gentleness, it makes the difference.”
-Sharon Essendrup, Mother, South Africa-
“Jevon is an incredibly gifted teacher and leader. I really enjoyed learning and experiencing the natural and powerful Ericksonian induction methods. Much appreciated!”
-Tom Macquet, Homoeopathic Doctor, South Africa-
“This course was shared with a lot of heart and well organised. The highlight of the course for me was the quick, effective and safe way of doing emotional clearing work.”
-Elmarie du Plessis, Clinical Psychologist, South Africa-
“Jevon, your passion for what you do is amazing! I am so grateful to have been part of this life changing experience and I will continue this journey with the same passion. Thank you for an excellent training!”
-Bennie Louw, Coach, South Africa-
Read more Hypnotherapy Training testimonials here
Go to Hypnotherapy Training page
Empowered Performance Workshop
“This Empowered Performance with HNLP course was awesome! Extremely well presented – good structure, great content, good visual support and very skillfully delivered. I particularly enjoyed the practical case studies & techiques and the ability to apply the actual learnings into practical situations – they work! Thank you!”
-Bev Jacobs, HR Executive, Financial Services: The Foschini Group-
“It was great to get the opportunity to better ourselves and our business, while learning about HNLP. The event was good for team morale and getting to understand my colleagues better. The skills we learnt have been very useful. The greatest learning was from the one on one session, merging parts of my personality to help me develop a more balanced and assertive response technique to my environment. I have already seen results. Thank you for the help, Jevon, I appreciate it more than you know.”
-André Britz, Digital Strategist: digiVOX-
“This Empowered Performance with HNLP course was most enjoyable and streched me. I particulary liked the multi-level communication skills and how to elicit positive outcomes as well as learning more about the power of the unconscious mind.”
-Senta Morley, HR Director: The Foschini Group-
“This was a fantastic experience, I appreciated the facilitator´s knowledge and the experiential learning style. The entire content and structure of the course was great and I enjoyed the integration and use of stories.”
-Deshnee Moodley, HR Manager: The Foschini Group-
“Thank you for your patience, commitment and for sharing of yourself and your work so passionately!”
-Kim Clarke-McLeod, HR Manager: The Foschini Group-
“I really liked the insight that this event gave me into how we repeat behaviours and the simplistic yet highly impactful way you showed us such incredible concepts and ideas. My greatest learning was that I can change my state and be more resourceful SIMPLY by changing my posture and my breathing.”
-Jonathan Allan-Barrett, Project Manager, South Africa-
Go to Empowered Performance with HNLP Events page
Authentic Self Empowerment Training
“I am eternally grateful to Jana & Jevon for all they have done to influence the changes that I enjoy in my life today and beyond. Authentic Self Empowerment is a user-friendly process and the Facilitator Training has been presented by Jevon in a congruent, caring and authentic way. I enjoyed the deep meditations, the metaphors and stories. The collective learnings of the NLP/HNLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner Training and this ASE Facilitator Training culminate in a methodology that is powerful, real and doable.”
-Joanne Moss, NLP/HNLP Coach, South Africa-
“This ASE training was a wonderful experience – empowering, liberating and powerful. The best decision I made this year so far was to be here. Thank you!”
-Renée Annison, Facilitator, South Africa-
“Keep on doing what you´re doing! You change the lives of others…Wow, the entire course was profound and gave me confidence as a coach going forward. I now have some life changing skills to make a difference. Thanks so much!”
-Riana Arendse, Assistant Bank Manager, South Africa-
“Thank you for everything I have learned so far from you. The transformation which took place in me and others during this ASE Training was profound. I now have a way of making a real difference in other people´s lives.”
-Sabine Erwig, Estate Agent, Namibia-
“Thank you for this practical application that ASE offers and the economical processes, that are even more results driven than NLP/HNLP. Keep on spreading your genius. Thank you!”
-Christine Ayiotis, Change Manager, South Africa-
“The ASE Facilitator´s Training brings together all the knowledge about human beings (thoughts, feelings & behaviours) in a practical way. I experienced a whole new level of awareness. Finally I can experience my True Self and help others achieve this too.
-Diana Bantchovska, Phd student, Bulgaria-
“The ASE Facilitator’s Training creates an sence of wonder during the event and for days afterwards. It is a very useful approach to accessing the resources present in all of us and connecting with our own inner wisdom. The insights I received during this course were instant and ground breaking. It was very well facilitated by Jevon who has a very effective approach to sharing this revolutionary approach to personal development and self empowerment. This experience is a must for everyone on the journey of exploring the self!”
-Francois Coetzee, IT consultant, South Africa-
“Thank you, your ASE approach is truly awesome. Becoming the observer, we know is where it’s at, BUT to tap into the universal support and that all we desire is already out there, we just have to align to it, is where I find the hurdle. BUT Yes, this leads you to externalize the solution and so claim it. Why do we deny ourselves that?”
-Christine, Therapist, South Africa-
“Wow! Can it be this simple to overcome and understand life’s challenges, or is the material just so well presented? Great – simple and crystal clear, definitely inspiring and easy to follow.”
-Mike Panaino, Businessman, South Africa-
“The ASE Facilitator´s Training is absolutely fantastic. The ASE approach is a MUST HAVE skill that allows us to live authentically self empowered and be an inspiration for others – it gives life a whole new meaning.”
-Renee Brand, HNLP Coach, South Africa-
“The ASE Facilitator´s Training was profound and brought into balance so many of the individual components of NLP & Hypnotherapy. As a therapist, my greatest learning was to connect with an inside resource that created a harmonious and co-operative relationship between me an my clients.”
-Miles Harrop, Hypnotherapist, South Africa-
Go to Authentic Self Empowerment™ Events page
Personal Sessions with Jevon
“Words cannot express the gratitude I feel for having you as my teacher, mentor, coach and friend – you have helped me brake through barriers I didn’t know how to transcend. The weight I felt has lifted off my shoulders/life – life feels lighter than it did before. In this lightness and peace I feel the groundedness and strength that makes my journey ahead crystal clear and unshakable – what a way to live! You are an amazing blessing in my life and I’m sure in the life of many others too. Thank you so much again.” – Joanne Wildt
“My coaching sessions with Jevon were really helpful and ‘eye-opening’. It was amazing for me to realise that I have all the answers to life’s challenges inside me. The skills which I learned have helped me to stay more calm and resourceful when problem situations arise. I have gained an understanding that there are usually more choices available than only ‘this’ or ‘that’ when needing to make important decisions. I now know how to influence situations positively through my own attitude and thoughts.” – Petra, Germany
“My teenage son reported that Jevon helped him to erase his fear of failure regarding his school work. He now actually enjoys his studying and believes in himself. Thank you from a mom.” – Geertje Bredenkamp
“Thank you for the session this morning. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Back at work I’m feeling more confident and no longer worry about what people’s perceptions are of me.” – Lorraine, South Africa
“Thank you! I feel free from the unnecessary barriers my phobia had created in my life. It’s a whole new chapter for me, where it no longer occupies my mind the way it did before. It was an “uplifting” experience. It is true that one never knows how far a change will go.” – Roberto Sabatino
“I’m doing much better. The people at work can’t believe that I’m actually driving by myself. Thanks a lot for your time to assist me in taking control of my life again.” – Hester, South Africa
“I was blown away by the coaching session and I couldn’t imagine that it would make such a huge difference to something that has been a big pain and irritation for so long. Back in my challenging context I am pleasantly surprised as there is progress and I feel better. Thank you.” – Razaana Nordien
“What brilliance! What art! What a magician! Every session is different. I can come with the deepest despair, traumas, anger, sadness or confusion and we dance through them – and there I am; present and alive, feeling blissful and at peace bathing in tremendous love and gratitude. Jevon’s coaching has helped me in all areas of my life. I feel so much more real and alive. So much more ME!” – Silja, Norway
“Since you did the Allergy Cure on me in January 2008 I have been free of one big hassle in my life – no more itching and sneezing! The quality of my life has improved. Thank you!” – G. Bredenkamp
“Things are really going well! I´ve been off cigarettes for a month now and I really feel like smoking has never been part of my life. I can not explain how this happened but it feels great! Thank you.” – Benedicte
“Thank you for all that you did, and I do not know what you did but…AMAZING! The sacro-iliac joint pain that I’ve had for 8 years and spent thousands on to heal (including Body Alignement, acupuncture, body stress release, Body Talk, kinesiology, chriroprac…) Is gone! A BIG, BIG THANK YOU.” – Christine
“I struggled with chronic migraines. Jevon suggested in our session that the minute I feel a migraine coming, I’m to imagine the colour I see when I feel good. Ever since I do just that, imagine my “feeling good colour”, my migraine disappears. It has been more than six months now and no migraine! Wonderful how powerful a person’s mind can be and thanks to you, Jevon – you are excellent!” – Selie de Villiers
“Thank you from my heart for yesterday´s session. It was wonderful, I had a good, strong feeling of jubilation. You have reached my enclosed situation underneath the ice and through your words you melted the thick ice. I am mesmerised at this wonder, I feel strong, courageous and eternally grateful, what a wonderful feeling!” – Frieda, Holland
“Thank you for helping my daughter with her sleeping problem. She is sooo impressed with you and recommends you to everybody! She is sleeping in her own room at last and seems to not even remember why she never wanted to sleep there in the first place. Greatly appreciated as a mother.”
– The client’s mother wishes to keep their identities anonymous
Overcoming a drug addiction in 2 hours –
Feedback from a mother, 2 months after her 20 year old son’s Authentic Self Empowerment session:
“My son says that he NEVER even think about drugs any more. He once had a brief thought and the resources you gave him immediately kicked in, and that was the last of it. He is doing very well. He started to work last week and is taking major leaps now. You have touched me and my family in so many ways – thank you.”
More feedback another 2 months later:
“My son is still doing great – no sign of wanting or needing any drugs. He is shining like a CLUSTER OF STARS!” – Renee Brand