The following topics cover personal development, healing, resilience and performance enhancement – from psychological, transpersonal, and integral perspectives. The posts include introductions to methods, technique outlines, process steps, articles and essays by Jevon Dangeli, MSc Transpersonal Psychology.
Year End Reflection
A Year End Reflection to revitalize your vision and energy – propelling your life forward…
Post-Traumatic Growth With the Support of Transpersonal Coaching
A peer-reviewed article by Jevon Dängeli, published in the Transpersonal Coaching Psychology Journal, Volume 3, 2024…
Trauma-informed coaching: A transpersonal perspective
A peer-reviewed article by Jevon Dängeli, published in the Transpersonal Coaching Psychology Journal, Volume 2, 2023…
Embodied Presence & Embodiment Practice
Feel, look, listen and learn from your body.Nobody knows you better than your body does….
Soma Centred Open Awareness
Soma Centred Open Awareness is embodied mindfulness – a body centred yet expanded mode of perception…
Life Coaching compared to Transpersonal Coaching
The practice of transpersonal coaching can be considered a holistic and integrative approach to life…
Eco-logical Coaching and Leadership
Eco-logical coaching and leadership is not a particular type of coaching or leadership as such….
Overview of Open Awareness
Open Awareness (OA) is an expanded mode of perception accompanied by a calm and resourceful…
New Paradigm Reset Resolutions
During the first lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Jana Allmrodt and I compiled a…
Transpersonal Coaching – an introduction
What is Transpersonal Coaching and how does it work? Transpersonal Coaching empowers people to transcend the…
Transformation in Coaching
This article outlines how transformation occurs in transpersonal coaching – a specialised form of psychological…
The Open Awareness Holarchy
Open Awareness (OA) is a flowing moment of pure experience interconnected with the rest of…
Open Awareness Journal Publications
Coaching The Whole Person
In this article and video presentation, Transpersonal Coach – Jevon Dangeli describes an approach to…
Transpersonal Coaching Model
Transpersonal coaching works because it works with the whole person body, mind & spirit. This…
Transpersonal Psychology – New Perspectives
Article by Jevon Dängeli — MSc Transpersonal Psychology Transpersonal psychology is a school of psychology that integrates…
From Stress to Flow with Applied Open Awareness
Dissolve stressful thoughts and enhance mental performance with one simple skill – opening the aperture…
Applied Open Awareness for Resilience & Resourcefulness
If you had a simple skill to inhibit stress based reactions within a few seconds…
Eliminating Panic Attacks
Be free of panic attacks and performance anxiety with this simple 2-step technique… For panic…
What I learned while dying in an ambulance
You are about to discover the awesome power of the mind, breath and miracles in medical…
Mindfulness, Bodyfulness and Open Awareness
Mindfulness, bodyfulness and open awareness are 3 sides of the same coin. This article describes…
Mindful Communication – a fundamental skill
In the following articles I will introduce three types (levels) of mindful communication and one…
From Taking Things Personally To Being The Bigger Person
Do you suffer from taking things personally and getting offended? Taking things personally usually means…
Mindfulness – The Key To Resilience
Resilience without mindfulness is a production robot approach – it may be effective in one…
Talent – Discovery & Expression
Talent is the unique expression of each individual’s Authentic Self, thus everyone has talent. Don’t…
The Awareness behind your Attitudes and Aptitudes
This article outlines how the quality (aperture) of one’s awareness influences their present attitudes and…
How to deal with difficult people and improve your relationships
This article introduces ideas that can help to broaden your perspectives as well as shift…
NLP and The Kotter Change Model
Methods for creating and coping with changes in our personal lives and in organizations. This…
3 Questions to Prime Your Mind for Abundance & Success
“The mind in its own place, and in itself can make a Heaven of Hell,…
The Burnout Self Diagnostic Tool
Are you approaching burnout or already in it?Complete the questionnaire below…
Treating Stress & Burnout – part 3
[caption id="attachment_7364" align="alignright" width="306"] Treating Stress & Burnout – Mindful Power It is a curious…
Treating Stress & Burnout – part 2
Treating Stress & Burnout – Mindful Power In this article I…
Treating Stress & Burnout – part 1
“Ask not what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive…then go do it….
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) treatment with NLP
Research by Gray and Liotta (2012) suggests that the Visual-Kinaesthetic Dissociation Technique from the field…
Overcoming Fear of Abandonment
The fear of being left alone, uncared for or unloved is one of the deepest…
NLP Coaching
NLP Coaching includes the basic goal of traditional coaching, which in a nut shell is…
Proof of Your Life’s Higher Order
“Everything is interwoven, and the web is holy.” -Marcus Aurelius (2nd century)- According Dr. Victor…
Burnout Healing & Prevention
Are Confucius’ words “choose a job you love and you will never have to work…
Dreams or Delusion
Why goal setting fails, and what you can do about it! Every new beginning is…
The Attitude for Success!
What stood out for you over the past year? (See Free Resources below article) Taking…
What’s your gift to the world?
The past months have presented intense challenges, rapid change, and abundant opportunities for growth. Many…
3 Things you need for the coming Season…
Are you ready to shift into a new Season (phase of life)? Shifts like this usually…
Detecting and eliminating your triggers
Triggers are the things that initiate thoughts, feelings and behaviours. There are triggers that boost…
The NLP Communication Model
The NLP Communication Model explains how we take information from the outside world into our…
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques
This reference page introduces several popular NLP techniques, linking to practical explanations and guidelines for each technique….
How to treat phobias and trauma using NLP
This article describes NLP’s Visual-Kinaesthetic Dissociation Technique (also known as the Fast Phobia Cure and…
It’s never too late to have a happy childhood
Yesterday, while in the playground with my 1-year old son, I observed some interesting phenomena….
The value of a transpersonal perspective for coaching psychology
In this article I will explore the value of coaches having transpersonal perspectives, as well…
The Fallacy of Forgiveness
The Fallacy of Forgiveness… and What Truly Sets You Free In Wikipedia forgiveness is defined…
Parts Integration – The NLP technique for internal conflict resolution
In this article you will learn NLP’s popular Parts Integration technique – a useful skill…
How to ANCHOR Resourceful States
In this article you will learn a basic form of NLP’s most powerful and versatile…
When in doubt, go META!
You know the agony of not knowing what to do, or the frustration of scattered…
Action (do) or inaction (be)? That is the Question!
Success! Are you going for it, leaving no stones unturned in pursuit of your goals?…
How to flourish and feel fulfilled
In this article I will share what I have found to be a Winning Formula…
The first three articles in this series showed you how to find the “gap” (the…
This article is the fourth in a series of articles that focus on how you can…
This article is the third in a series of articles that focus on how you can…
This article is the second in a series of articles that focus on how you can…
This article is the first in a series of articles that focus on how you…
The following article is written by John Overdurf, CAC & Julie Silverthorn, MS What originally…
Humanistic Neuro-Linguistic Psychology
Humanistic Neuro-Linguistic Psychology (HNLP) is the art and science of being your best. It’s a…
The 4 HNLP Keys to maintaining Empowered Performance
If you want to be a more conscious creator of your results, then read the…
The Power of Positive Feelings
The quality of your life in this moment is determined by how you feel about…
Fertility enhancement through Hypnotherapy
Any problem is only a problem in the way you think… and changing your thinking…
Stick it out!
Discover how sticking to your dreams can really pay off… Recently, my friend Albert Rossi…
Why so many NLP ‘Experts’ DON’T walk their talk!
Here it is, plain and simple: NLP is easy to learn! Many people become interested…
The Presuppositions of NLP
NLP Presuppositions form the basic beliefs and attitudes that effective NLP Practitioners work and live…
How to help children & teenagers develop healthy self esteem
Self-esteem can be defined as the collection of beliefs and perceptions that we have about…
How to ask the Big Questions 2
“The power to question is the basis of all human progress.”-Indira Ghandi- This article continues…
How to ask the Big Questions 1
We question our way into and out of situations. It´s when we stop questioning that…
The Next Step 7!
This article shows you how to use The Next Step approach to quickly enlarge your…
The Next Step 6!
This article shows you how to use The Next Step approach to quickly overcome fear…
The Next Step 5!
This article shows you how to use The Next Step approach to instantly expand your…
The Next Step 4!
This article is about how the The Next Step approach can instantly increase your attractiveness….
The Next Step 3!
This article is about how the The Next Step approach can be used to rapidly…
The Next Step 2!
Freedom is never more than a step away, and as you’ll discover in this article,…
The Next Step 1
This article will focus on how to take The Next Step, even when you’re stuck,…
How to activate the power of your Unconscious Mind to achieve your goals
It’s never too late to “change gears” in your neurology and head in the best…
Have Your “Bright” Future Now!
In this article I will share a valuable skill to help you achieve and maintain…
Dealing with Hecklers in the Audience
Heckle – To harass, badger, bait, provoke or needle a public speaker or performer with…
Expand your mind in a flash
Imagine being able to bring everything that you’re not thinking about (i.e. nothing) into the…
How to stay resourceful amidst angry or abusive people
If you’ve ever been verbally attacked by an angry, raging or vengeful person which caused…
The Problem Dissolver
In this article I will share one of the playful HNLP techniques to help loosen…
Time Heals! How To Fast-Forward & Get Your Healing Now
We’ve all had the experience of outgrowing something that used to be a problem for…
Never mind them, stay true to yourself
Would you like to be able to confidently follow your inner guidance and be less…
Self Hypnosis for Self Diagnosis
If you could accurately diagnose the source of your sickness, ailment or dis-ease, and thereby…
Your Reality Check
The quality of your life right now is determined by HOW you are placing your…
How to make BIG decisions small
Is it just me, or does it seem like life is presenting us with more…
How to Build Self Esteem
Imagine a life where no one can intimidate you, where you have an invisible sense…
The Worry Buster
Worry is a sustained form of FEAR – Fantasized Experiences Appearing Real. A study has…
How to switch your brain into success mode
Everything in life is only a potential until we interact with it. What becomes our…
How to let go of limiting beliefs and unwanted behaviours
If there is something that you do that you don’t want to do, but you…
Everyday Self Hypnosis
Today’s problems cannot be solved with yesterday’s solutions! Hmmm, let’s think about that for a…
Stop and smell the roses
Have you considered the real meaning and value of the expression “stop and smell the…
Learn how to change your perceptions
“One of the greatest discoveries of our time is that a people can alter the…
Beyond Goals
Relax, what you want is already within you! What people really want is the feeling…
Overcoming Mental Obstacles (part 4)
Upgrade your thinking – upgrade your performance Human behaviour is driven by our thoughts about…
Overcoming Mental Obstacles (part 3)
The previous 2 parts in this series of articles dealt with eliminating negative self talk…
Overcoming Mental Obstacles (part 2)
What stops you from achieving your dreams are the nightmares that you believe in. A…
Overcoming mental obstacles (part 1)
What would you attempt to do if a successful outcome was inevitable, knowing that you…
A certainty about uncertainty…
A simple truth is that all new possibilities and creative thinking come from the field…
Everyday Heaven & Hell (part 2)
Heaven or Hell, which will you choose today? During each of our waking hours our…
Everyday Heaven & Hell (Part 1)
When you feel love, joy, inner peace, bliss and a sense of vibrant aliveness that…
How to feel less intimidated or annoyed by someone
Thoughts and feelings about things we like have typical distinctions; so do thoughts and feelings…
How to Change Your Personal History
With an understanding of NLP, the idea that “it’s never too late to have a…
Laugh away your fears
Did you know that your current physiological position largely determines how you think and feel?…
Conquering Your Craving
If you have a craving for something that you would prefer to not crave, then…
Getting Motivated & Staying Motivated
People feel motivated when they have a goal in mind with a clear picture of…
How to have more fun doing the things that aren’t fun
How would it be if what you have to do, regardless of what is is,…
Getting Over & Letting Go…
In order to achieve your goals or attract more abundance in your life, you must…
Get ahead of your past programming
In the field of Humanistic Neuro-Linguistic Psychology (HNLP) it is believed that about 95% of…
Get over FEAR
Real fear is a good thing! You need it in order to preserve yourself in…